
The makers of Skyfire, Skyfire Labs brought it aback to the browser today afterwards slight modifications to abate the cutting amount on its servers. From now on, already a assertive cardinal of downloads are reached, Skyfire Labs would curb the availability until its servers assignment out the added workload.

"We are demography this access because Skyfire 2.0 browser for iPhone believes a acceptable user acquaintance should appear first, and we would rather accept fewer, happier customers, and add fresh users as we can abutment them," Jeff Glueck, the arch controlling of Skyfire Labs, said in a column on the company's blog.

Interestingly, Skyfire Labs was affected to abolish itscomputer appliance application from Apple's Appliance Store aural aloof bristles hours of its admission due to the cutting appeal which risked its server and bandwidth accommodation an overload.

Skyfire Labs' accommodation issues accept arised due to how its technology handles Adobe's Flash, which is acclimated beyond the web to appearance video and added content, but is not accurate innately by Skyfire 2.0 browser for iPhone . Instead, the Flash agreeable is decoded aboriginal on Skyfire Labs' servers into HTML5 on the fly and again delivered to the handset.


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