
Blackberry Tablet vs Apple iPad. According to the newspaper, quoting sources close to the company, the tablet will have a seven-inch screen and one or two integrated cameras and includes a Bluetooth connection. However, you can connect to the telephone network only through a Blackberry phone. Questioned on the matter by the press, the company said it “does not comment on rumors and speculation"

"The new tablet that will compete with super successful Apple iPad has a touch screen - which combines the functionality of a mini computer, a music player and a media playe - will go on sale in the fourth quarter. Unlike the iPad, whose operating system is based on the Smartphone phone, the BlackPad has a new platform developed by QNX Software Systems, a company acquired by RIM this year", added the paper

The Canadian company based in Toronto announced last week that in the second quarter BlackBerry users worldwide exceeded 50 million, a milestone. The more there is competition, the lower the prices, better services, more customer satisfaction. Is it really?


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