
How Student Loans are Disbursed. Your federal financial aid is sent directly to the school you will be attending and will be dispersed to you according to the school’s schedule. Not all colleges or universities disburse federal funds from student loans right away. For example, some online schools offer express classes that take only six weeks.

Federal funds are often disbursed after the student has confirmed attendance in the second term, and the student’s account holds a balance due until that time. Other colleges may disburse before the first term begins. What remains the same between learning institutions is that the federal financial aid awards always go towards paying tuition and the associated costs of attendance first. Any funds left over will be disbursed to the student from the school after the payments to the college have been processed.

What Happens if You Withdraw from Classes after Receiving Federal Funds?

If you choose to withdraw from a class after for college. If you withdraw from courses and fall below the status of a half-time student


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